So I think I wrote this thing down about 3 different times before finally deciding to try it. It sounded complicated! "Clarify a stick of butter." Well, I've never done that before! In all honesty this was probably the most complicated dish I've ever made just on the butter part! MAN!
The first stick - separated and didn't really bubble thanks to the heat being way too low. It just looked like an oily mess! YUCK!
Second stick of butter was MUCH better. I turned the heat up a bit- things separated and bubbled & foamed and all that jazz that butter is supposed to do when you "clarify" it. :)
Now the easy part - shrimp! I purchased 2lbs of shrimp (on sale baby) that had already been cleaned - I just needed to peel them. It was time to delegate! Jackson was playing/crying/grumping under my feet and all over the house so it was time to make this go faster. NATE TO THE RESCUE! Nate scrubbed in (LOL) and helped me peel. He was very proud to pull the shells off and the tail of the shrimp still be attached. I didn't even have to pay him for his labor! He just wanted dinner :)
I floured the shrimp and chopped fresh garlic. I thought you could have too much fresh garlic. Not so much! I wanted more! I had to double the amount of garlic - I thought we were all going to stink! :) After browning the shrimp in the sparkly butter - I added the garlic and let it fill the house with smells of NOMS! (Have I ever told you this cooking thing rocks!?)
Chicken stock, some simple herbs & a little sauce - no I mean white wine :) and we were ROCKIN! I sliced some baguette and kept dipping it in the sauce as it was coming together. As it came together and simmered I could see trouble ahead! No wonder there are so many cooks over weight! You just can't stop yourself when it tastes so damn good!
I didn't really have a plate to make this look fancy - then I remembered the lonely set of China we got from my brother & his wife. SCORE! :) Look how far I've come! :) I'm SO stinkin' proud of myself! I could have written all night about this one, but it's late, I'm sleepy and it's going to be a long weekend which those of you who listen/read (all 2 of you) will read about on Sunday/Monday. :)
I'm happy to answer questions - send you the recipe but all I can say is even the shrimp hater in the house (Hubby Matt) thought this was good. "Thicken the sauce and ease up on the lemon." I love that I can get honest feedback from Matt & Nate and it doesn't hurt my feelings a bit. Now if Gordon Ramsay was giving me feedback, I might cry :)
Much <3
it me Teri, sounds soo yummy!!